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A Partnership is one of the most important forms of a business organization, where two or more people come together to form a business and divide the profits thereof in an agreed ratio. A Partnership is easy to form, and the compliance is minimal as compared to companies.
A General Partnership is a business structure in which two or more individuals manage and operate a business in accordance with the terms and objectives set out in the Partnership Deed.
A partnership firm is a business structure in which two or more individuals manage and operate a business in accordance with the terms and objectives set out in a Partnership Deed that may or may not be registered. In such a business, the members are individually partners and share the liabilities as well as profits of the firm in a predetermined ratio.
A partnership firm is best for small businesses that plan to remain small. Low costs, ease of setting up and minimal compliance requirements make it a sensible option for such businesses. Registration is optional for General Partnerships.
No, partnership registration is not necessary. However, it is advisable for you to have a partnership firm registration online. Also, remember that for a partner to sue another partner or the firm itself, the partnership should be registered. Moreover, for the partnership to bring any suit to court, the firm should be registered. For this reason, it is recommended that larger businesses register the partnership deed.
The deed should contain names of the partners and their addresses, the partnership name, the date of commencement of operation of the firm, any capital invested by each partner, the type of partnership and profit-sharing matrix, rules and regulations to be followed for intake of partners or removal.
An application form along with fees is to be submitted to Registrar of Firms of the State in which firm is situated. The application has to be signed by all partners or their agents.
For General Partnerships, there is no need for an auditor to be appointed or, if the company is still in the process of registration or in case unregistered, annual accounts filing with the registrar is not necessary either. When compared to LLP, annual compliances are also fewer.
General Partnerships can begin simply with an unregistered deed of the partnership. However, having registration for the same has its own perks and advantages. The primary advantage for having a registered firm is that it will allow you to book lawsuits in courtrooms opposing another business, easy to apply for startup registration and easy to convert it into a company.
In comparison to LLP, a General Partnership is much cheaper to begin. Even in the longer run, it will still work out inexpensive as the compliance requirements are very minimal. For example, there is no need for an auditor. Therefore, Home businesses still opt for this, although it offers unlimited liability.
The registration of Partnership Firm in India can take up to 12 to 14 working days. However, the time taken to issue a certificate of incorporation may vary as per the regulations of the concerned state. The registration of Partnership Firm is subject to Government processing time which varies for each State.
Often, if the partnership agreement is not registered, the court may deem a partnership invalid. If the object of the business is illegal, the court may consider the partnership invalid and dissolve the partnership.
If the partners of a firm wish to end the partnership, they can do so by dissolving the partnership by notice, if it is a partnership of will. A partnership can be dissolved in accordance with the terms laid out in the Partnership Deed, or they can do so creating a separate agreement.
Every partner is jointly liable with all the other partners and also individually, for all acts/activities of the firm, during the course of business while he/she is a partner. This means that if a loss or injury is caused to any third party or a penalty is levied during the course of business all partners will be held liable even if the injury or loss was caused by one of the partners.
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